About us
Quality service, dedicated craftspeople,
and a commitment to our customers
— that’s what we’re all about.
Since 1945,
we’ve been hands-on with your project,
making it the very best it can be.
Ideal has provided engraving services
since its inception in 1945.
have carried those lessons forward
and utilize that experience with
Manual and CNC Engraving as well as
CO2 and Fiber Laser Etching.
We value the skills, knowledge and
history of our machinists and apply
those same lessons through both
Manual and CNC Machining.
In addition to providing our customers
quality machining and engraving
we are the OEM for the
Ideal Ratchet Pro Taper Maker.
Over Pressure Shutdown Valve (OPSV)
We also manufacture
Over Pressure Shutdown Valves (OPSV)
in an array of configurations.
Get in Touch
Ideal Specialty
2531 E. Independence St. – Tulsa, OK 74110
P:(918)834-1657 F:(918)834-5338